Service Beyond the Call of Duty
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Companies We Represent

We work with high-quality, financial-stable companies to provide you with the best insurance value.

Companies We Represent

The companies we represent have been carefully chosen, based on their financial rating, the quality of their products, the quality of their claim service, and the niche market knowledge they have. If you wish to learn more about a company, you can click on the name or logo of the company and it will take you to the carrier’s website. The following list is only a few of the carriers we represent that have met our standards:

The Cincinnati Insurance Companies

Cincinnati’s mission is to “enhance the superior ability of local independent insurance agents to deliver quality financial protection to people and businesses in their communities”.


CNA takes pride in being the nation’s #1 insurer of professionals and their businesses.

“Philadelphia Insurance Companies (PHLY) headquartered in Bala Cynwyd, PA, designs, markets, and underwrites commercial property/casualty and professional liability insurance products, incorporating value-added coverages and services for select industries.”

General Casualty is a regional property and casualty insurance company serving independent agents and their clients.

BITCO Insurance Companies (formerly Bituminous) is dedicated to providing specialized insurance services and financial security to select industries at the heart of the American economy.

Beginning in 1937, Progressive has strived to provide competitively priced auto insurance coupled with excellent customer service.

“Where you’re not just covered, you’re truly protected.”

MetLife Auto and Home® is a leading provider of insurance and other financial services to millions of individuals and institutional customers throughout the United States.


*This is only a partial list of companies we represent, please contact us for more details. Not all products and services are available in every area.

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